As the farmers of our orchards, which have been in our families for years, we are committed to protecting the land and environment. We live this commitment every day of the year. Our environmental sustainability practices include:
- We tend to the land and trees without the use of pesticides and other chemicals.
- We harvest our orchards manually to safely remove olives from the trees. This practice also allows the songbirds, who make their homes in our olive trees, time to fly away safely and return once the trees are harvested.
- We are converting desert land into lush olive tree plantations near a natural aquifer. Over 1 million trees have been planted so far in converted land, and we are planting 100,000 new olive trees every year.
- We recycle the water used in our olive production process.
- We leave nothing to waste. After the olives are full pressed, the pulp that remains is used for animal feed, fire logs, and soap.
Our commitment to the environment is who we are and at our core. We continue to improve our environment plan as new science and technology are available so that we can keep passing healthy orchards to future generations.